Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Climate, Flora & Fauna

The climate of Nepal ranges from subtropical monsoon conditions in the Terai region to alpine conditions in the Great Himalayas. Annual rainfall ranges from 70 and 75 inches in the eastern Terai and between around 35 inches in western Nepal. Flooding is a serious problem in the low-lying areas of the Terai plain during the monsoon season. The winter season extends from November to March, when temperatures vary from 19°C in the southern Terai region to 13°C. During the summer season, which lasts through April and June, the mercury varies from 21°C to 28°C, in average.
There are over 6,500 species of trees, shrubs and wildflowers in Nepal. The height of floral splendor is during the months of March and April when rhododendrons, the national flower, burst into color. In Nepal forest cover about one-sixth of the country and provide valuable timber, firewood, and medicinal herbs. At the lowest elevations are tropical, humid, deciduous forests that harbor tigers, leopards, deer, monkeys, and a few Indian rhinoceroses. Above 1,200 m, the forests are evergreen and deciduous (oak, maple, magnolia). Between 3,050 and 3,650 m are coniferous forests; above that are sub-alpine and alpine meadows of rhododendron and juniper, h. One can find around 800 different species of bird life in Nepal.

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